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Health and safety policies and procedures

Please note the following information was added to our health and safety guidelines on July 10, 2020:
In accordance with an announcement from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning dated 7/8/20, Wonderspring’s health and safety policies and procedures now include new requirements. The requirements detailed below are effective immediately. We anticipate that these guidelines will continue to change as Wonderspring receives new communication from PA state agencies. 
While the initial policy stated that masks were optional, we are now asking all children over the age of 2 to bring masks to begin their days at Wonderspring. Wonderspring staff will provide children with frequent reminders and education on the importance and proper wearing of cloth face coverings. 
All masks will be provided by parents. If you would like your child to wear a mask but are having difficulty obtaining one, please contact Wonderspring staff. Wonderspring staff will communicate with families about any barriers to wearing masks. 
The Order of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Order for Universal Face Coverings includes the following exceptions to the mask requirement:
  • If a child is outdoors and able to consistently maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet from individuals who are not a part of their household, they do not need to wear a mask. 
  • If a parent, guardian, or responsible person has been unable to place a face covering safely on the child’s face, they should not do so. 
  • If a child 2 years old or older is unable to remove a face covering without assistance, the child is not required to wear one. The Department of Health recognizes that getting younger children to be comfortable wearing face coverings and to keep them on may create some difficulties. Wonderspring staff will prioritize the wearing of face coverings to times when it is difficult for the child to maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet from others who are not a part of their household (e.g., during carpool drop off or pick up, or when standing in line at school).
Closure after Confirmed Cases
The facility will close for a period of 48 hours following a confirmed positive COVID-19 case of child or staff member in attendance so that the facility can be cleaned and disinfected. During this closure, Wonderspring will also follow advice regarding additional cleaning steps from the local health department and our current cleaning services.  Wonderspring will re-open based on the CDC guidelines and instructions from the local health department. 
Individuals with confirmed cases of COVID will not be able to return to care until Wonderspring receives documentation from a healthcare professional.
Wonderspring wants all children, teachers, and families to be safe. Wearing a mask when possible is am effective strategy to help Wonderspring remain open. Along with these guidelines, please read the resources that we have included below. These resources will help you explain to your child the importance of wearing a mask at this time. 
Children wearing cloth masks during COVID – American Academy of Pediatrics
Wonderspring teachers use positive behavior strategies to encourage children to learn new skills. We are ready to support children in learning this new skill. 
Thank you for support in this and all of the guidelines and policies that keep Wonderspring operating in the safest and healthiest way possible!


Health and Safety Policies June 2, 2020

As Wonderspring prepares to welcome back children, staff, and families to our programs, the COVID-19 crisis may make you wonder if it is safe for your children to return. Wonderspring will be implementing enhanced health and safety measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the PA Department of Health. We hope this information will provide a clearer picture of what you can expect and will assist with your decision-making process.

Check-In and Pick-Up

  • Families will be greeted at the door or curb of their program depending on the center that the child attends. Programs will expect families to take their child(ren)’s temperature before arrival. In addition, a Wonderspring staff person will take the temperature of child(ren) prior to families leaving the site. You will also be asked to confirm your emergency contact information each morning. 

Parents also will be asked the following questions:

  • Do you live with anyone or have you had close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days?
  • Do you or anyone in your household have a fever, cough and/or shortness of breath?
  • Children and staff will be required to wash their hands immediately upon entering the building. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance and throughout the center/program. A staff person will escort the children to their classrooms.
  • Upon your arrival to pick up your child, a Wonderspring staff member will bring your child/ren out to you. Doing so limits direct contact and helps maintain social distancing.

Healthy Environment

  • Program staff will separate children into smaller groups that fall within state or local guidelines.
  • These groups will be stable in that the same group of children will be with the same Wonderspring staff each day. When needed, substitute teachers will be assigned to consistent classrooms and groups.
  • Cribs and cots will be spaced out as much as possible (ideally 6 feet apart) and children will be placed head to toe for naps. Blankets and bedding will be sent home for washing each week or when soiled. Nap time items sent into the program should be limited at this time.
  • Staff will work to ensure that equipment used in the program is not shared. Equipment will be cleaned between uses.
  • Staff will disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as door handles, light switches, faucets, toilets seats and handles routinely.
  • Toys that cannot be washed will not be used.
  • Toys from home will not be permitted into the center/program.
  • Staff will have access to hand sanitizers (at least 60% alcohol) and disposable gloves.
  • Staff will wash their hands and children’s hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds throughout the day during identified transitions and activities.
  • Staff will be required to wear a face covering. When feasible, children ages three or older will be encouraged to wear a face covering provided by family.
  • No in-person program tours will be given until further notice to reduce the number of visitors in the building.

Meal Preparation and Service

  • All surfaces will be disinfected before meal preparation and feedings using bleach and water.
  • All staff will wash hands before and after meal preparation and feeding.
  • Each child’s meal will be plated and served by staff.
  • Children will not share eating utensils.
  • For center’s that meals are not provided, lunches from home should be packed in disposable bags. 
  • Water will be provided to all children in disposable cups. Please do not send in water bottles at this time. 

Child Health

  • Staff will receive training on COVID-19 symptoms as well as preventive measures to ward off the spread of COVID-19.
  • Children who start to experience symptoms of respiratory illness, including a fever of 100.4F or above and symptoms of other infectious illnesses while at child care, will be isolated from other children until they and their siblings are  picked up. Parents/caregivers will be contacted immediately and expected to pick up their children as soon as possible. Readmittance into the program will be based on the diagnosis from the child’s physician or other medical authority.
  • Children at higher risk of severe illness due to underlying medical conditions will be recommended to be kept home if there is COVID-19 outbreak in the community.
  • All center/program field trips including swimming will be suspended until further notice.

Staff Health

  • Staff will receive additional training on infection control,  cleaning and disinfection.
  • Staff will wash their hands immediately upon entering the program and immediately prior to leaving. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance of the center/program.
  • Staff will have their temperature checked at the beginning of each shift as well as self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and notify their director if any symptoms develop. 
  • Staff will not be permitted to work if they are feeling ill, experiencing respiratory symptoms or if someone in their household has COVID-19 symptoms or screens positive for COVID-19.
  • Staff who develop symptoms will stop working and seek medical advice before returning to work.


  • Families will supply the child care program with up-to-date emergency contact information for their child(ren) at drop off.