Curriculum and sample schedules for infants and toddlers
All Wonderspring centers utilize the The Creative Curriculum, a research-based curriculum that supports the development of the whole child. The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, Third Edition is a comprehensive curriculum that offers daily support, guidance, and inspiration to teachers and caregivers of our youngest learners. It includes:
- Activities designed to foster responsive routines and relationships
- Songs and rhymes that encourage interactions between children and caregivers
- Learning materials designed to foster children’s curiosity and exploration
The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos is focused on growing strong connections between teacher and child. Teachers collect ongoing child observations to help create lesson plans and help each child meet his or her developmental goals. Each child’s schedule, developmental stage and the family’s needs are all supported by the activities and routines planned throughout the day.
Infant Room Sample Daily Schedule
7:00-9:00 Breakfast/ Floor Play/Bottle Feeding
9:00-11:00 Free Play/Nap/Outdoors (Weather Permitting)
11:00-1:00 Floor Play/Lunch/Bottle Feeding
1:00-3:00 Floor Play/Nap
3:00-4:00 Outdoors (Weather Permitting)/Snack
4:00-6:00 Floor Play/Bottle Feeding
- Diaper checks every two hours or on demand.
- Meals are according to family or individualized meal plan.
Toddler Room Sample Daily Schedule
7:00-8:45 Wash Hands/Breakfast/Free Choice in centers
8:45-9:30 Free Choice in centers
9:30-10:15 Circle Time (children who choose not to participate may go to quiet centers)
10:15-10:45 Outdoor Gross Motor Time
(Weather Permitting)
10:45-11:30 Free Choice in Centers
11:30-12:00 Handwashing/Lunch
12:00-12:45 Free Choice
12:45-3:00 Nap Time / Quiet Activities
3:00-3:30 Handwashing/Snack Time
3:30-4:00 Free Choice
4:00-4:30 Outdoor Gross Motor Time
(Weather Permitting)
4:30-6:00 Handwashing/Free Choice
*Diapers are checked/changed every 2 hours as needed